Thursday, September 11, 2008

List of Positive Daily Affirmations 2

List of Positive Daily Positive Affirmations

There are opportunities in life to be tried and I will try all the appeal to me.
I can handle all changes that come my way.
There is nothing I cannot handle. I have the power to be positive.
I am free to be myself.
I will be calm today.
Today I will think wisely.
I will take the time to do it right.
Today I will have fun.
I owe no explanations for my behavior, that is legally, morally, and ethically right.
I am different and I embrace it.
I dare to be different.
I accept my differences with pleasure.
I am trustworthy.
I can be trusted.
I am fit, healthy and attractive.
I will confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me.
My possibilities are endless.
I radiate love and happiness.
I live the life I want and love and love the life I’ve chosen to live.
I am learning and growing every day which makes me more valuable to the world.
I am radiant.

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