To make positive affirmations valuable and successful certain key words needs to be well defined. In this case where we are talking about positive affirmations for Abundance and Wealth you need to define what does Abundance mean to you or what does wealth mean to you. Once well defined and understood then the various affirmations you choose to use are so much
more powerful and specific.
I am prosperous.
My live is prosperous.
I am abundant.
I am living abundantly.
I am successful
I know that whatever I put out comes back to me plentifully.
I am a success.
I am will be productive today.
I respect my abilities.
I work to my full potential.
I spend money wisely.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Freely and liberally bestow it upon the waters; upon those poor creatures, on whom it may seem to be as utterly lost, as the seed which a man casts into the sea or river. Find it - It shall certainly be restored to thee, either by God or men. This is added to prevent an objection, and to quicken us to the duty enjoyned. After - The return may be slow, but it is
sure, and will be so much the more plentiful.
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