I am a bright beaming person filled with light and love.
I happily attend to my responsibilities.
Today is the best day I will have.
I am a bright beaming person filled with courage and integrity.
I love and accept myself as I am and I know where I will improve.
I will express love to all those I meet.
As I receive divine love I will share it.
I have unconditional love from my Creator.
I will radiate love to all I meet.
As God loves me likewise I will love others.
I am letting love come to me without question.
I will not resent or drive away loving people.
I will be the loving person I want to find in others.
I am letting others love me.
I am the person I want to find in others.
Others can love me for who I am.
Other people love me.I appreciate the love I receive from others.
It matters not what people think of me. It does matter what I think of others.
It doesn’t matter if I am loved or accepted by others as long as I love and accept myself.
I will live my life to radiate love to all the people I come in contact with.
I attract loving, kind and caring people into my life.I find the good in everyone I meet.
The more love I share the more love will fill my soul.
I feel energy inside me wanting to be released.
I have the power to be healthy.
I let go of the past the holds me down.
I am healthy, happy and hopeful.
I have a positive frame of mind.
I feel like soaring today.
I do not let by disabilities hold me back.
The power to control my future is within me.
I am vital in my spirit, mind and body.
As I am created in the image of my Heavenly Father I will conduct myself accordingly.
I ignore my limitations and find happiness in what nature allows me to do.
My sleep is welcomed and relaxing.
I find my sleep time to be a friend and not a nuisance.
My soul is filled with energy to do the things I need to do.
My soul is filled with energy to do the things I need like to do.
I know God has a purpose for me.
God can heal me physically, mentally or spiritually.
I accept Gods will.
My positive attitude is a strong healer.
My positive attitude the rudder of my soul.
I am at peace with my place in the world.
I am at peace with myself.
I am at peace with God.
I am in harmony with the changes of daily living.
I am in harmony with my past, my today and my future.
I am in harmony with my world.
I am in harmony with my relationships.
My relationships are loving and benificial.
I trust in Gods will.
I accept Gods will.
I rely on Heavenly Father for His blessings.
I am grateful for the love I receive daily.
I am a unique person that people appreciate.
I appreciate the good in others.
I appreciate the uniqueness I find in others.
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