Monday, October 14, 2013

Celtic Cross Meaning

Celtic Cross Meaning

Many claim to know the meaning of the Celtic cross.  Many do. But many lump the various meanings of the Celtic cross into one or two descriptions.  We are not going to get into the full meaning of the  Celtic cross at this time because it is to extensive. Rather we will looking into the Celtic cross meaning of the Celtic cross necklace shown below. When you understand the meaning of a Celtic icon it can usually be applied to other Celtic cross pendants.
The Celtic cross meaning of this Celtic cross necklace is spread over a few Celtic icons.  Notice the crossing lines are equidistant. Most, but not all Celtic crosses are based on the Latin style of cross where the vertical line is longer than the horizontal line.
The Celtic circle represents the Celtic circle of life as well as eternity.  The end cap of all four lines is a unique and somewhat rare Celtic Fleur de lis geometric design. There are three points to this design. Each point represents a member of the Holy Trinity.
This sterling silver Celtic necklace comes with a choice of three different types of chains as well as a choice of our lengths of chain turning the Celtic knot necklace into twelve Celtic knot necklaces.

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