Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Messages Of Love And Peace From Jewelry

Messages Of Love And Peace From Jewelry

LIFE is fraught with uncertainty and untimely tragedy. There are ups and downs in life and times we need a positive symbol to remind us of hope, PEACE and LOVE If we can maintain FAITH and HOPE throughout life then we can endure the trials and wonders of life.
Nationally there have been acts of tragedy that shook the nation and especially the victims of recent acts of darkness like in Aurora Colorado, Newtown Connecticut and yesterday in Boston Massachusetts during the running of the Boston marathon. Events like these tend to rock the public to the core and make them question the foundations of their conciseness.
With popular sterling silver word jewelry and positive minded affirmation jewelry you can be reminded of values and virtues that hold us together during times of crisis. Affirmation word jewelry comes in three types of charms and pendants. Wearing them gives you a visual reminder of STRENGHT and virtues that give you encouragement and sense of personal security.

These word charms and word pendants all have positive words inscribed on them and the come in two profound shapes, a heart and a circle. The heart is a traditional symbol for LOVE and the circle is representative of eternity. So you take these word charms in their shapes and add positive words and you have affirmation jewelry that speaks to you, that touch you to your core and to your heart and soul.
With these word pendants you can create themes and motivational messages that will inspire you according to your needs.
This sterling silver word affirmation jewelry affirms the best within you and inspires you to greatness inside of you. This affirmation jewelry provides messages of PEACE, LOVE, and HOPE.
Between the three types of word charms there are well over 200 words or phrases to choose from. When you mix them together you have endless and countless options. There are words that are in uppercase which represents a sample of the words that are part of the word pendants you can choose from.


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