Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sterling Silver Cheerleader Jewelry

Sterling Silver Cheerleader Jewelry

Celebrating the challenging sport of Cheerleading with sterling silver cheerleading jewelry. Cheerleaders are under appreciated. They require a unique skill set to preform their sport.
Cheerleading jewelry celebrates all aspects of the sport. Cheerleaders do more than stand on the sidelines and get the crowd involved. They have there own competitions as well. Like cheerleader jewelry, cheerleading jewelry includes a lot of cheerleading charms.

Sterling silver cheerleader jewelry and silver cheerleading charms make some fantastic cheerleading necklaces.

Sterling silver cheerleader charms and pendants make great cheer jewelry to celebrate a challenging and sometimes unrespected sport. Celebrate the cheerleader in your life with some cheerleader jewelry.


Whats The Difference Between Celtic Necklaces And Celtic Pendants?


Whats the difference between Celtic necklaces and Celtic pendants? In short the difference is simple. The Celtic knot necklace is a sterling silver Celtic knot necklace already designed and made for you.
The Celtic pendants allow you to pick a Celtic knot pendant and a silver chain and customize your Celtic necklace exactly the way you like it. The next question is can you improve on the Celtic necklaces offered at sterling silver Celtic necklaces?

These sterling silver Celtic necklaces look wonderful, there are hundreds of selections, perhaps close to a thousand because each Celtic knot necklace gives you a choice of three selections of silver chains and each come with four lengths.

So the question is rather, can you improve of the Celtic knot necklace with Celtic pendants to make a Celtic necklace?
First of all, there are more sterling silver Celtic pendants than there are in the Celtic necklace collection so that's one point in favor of the Celtic knot pendant.
Another vote for the Celtic knot pendant is that you can select from more than three silver chains and more than four lengths. Another vote for the Celtic knot pendant.
Take a look at a very large selection of silver chains and see which direction it pushes you? Even though I have made two votes for Celtic pendants there are a issue or two to consider for a Celtic necklace. The Celtic necklace is a little less expensive than mixing and matching.
So what I would do is look through Celtic necklaces and if you find what you like you're golden. I you don't then go to Celtic pendants.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Horseshoe Charms A Great Part Of Horse Jewelry

Horseshoe Charms A Great Part Of Horse Jewelry

Horseshoe charms are a great part of sterling silver horse jewelry. Horse jewelry covers a wide range o horses and symbols related to horses and equestrian activities. In this case, horseshoe charms and the part of horse jewelry we will focus on.

Most people are under the impression that the good luck symbolism refers to the horseshoe opening must face up so the luck doesn't run out. However in researching that topic I found that the symbolism of luck is based on the culture you're in. In act, in one culture if you did not ind the horseshoe yourself it cannot be used for good luck.

The sterling silver horseshoe charms can be used by making horse charm bracelets and horseshoe necklaces.

As you can see, the horseshoe charm often includes other types of symbols like a horsehead or other horse symbols.
The silver horseshoe pendant celebrates all kinds of aspects of the wonderful world of horses.

Comfort Scriptures And Celtic Cross Jewelry That Comforts As Well

Comfort Scriptures And Celtic Cross Jewelry That Comforts As Well

Both biblical scriptures and Celtic cross jewelry can provide a special comfort to the wounded soul or the lost soul looking for their way back. There are other types of comfort we all need as will be evident from some of the comforting scriptures we will focus on.

Celtic cross jewelry is like traditional cross jewelry but with a Celtic style designed into the cross jewelry.  To under stand the Celtic cross meaning you would see how the Celtic cross jewelry and Celtic cross necklaces are even more symbolic giving more comfort to those in need.

Also, Celtic cross jewelry is very fashionable for those who like Celtic jewelry and Christian jewelry.

One of my favorite passages come from the Book of Proverbs: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

If that scripture doesn't apply across the board to all who need comfort then I don't know what does. Understanding the Celtic cross meaning and see how wearing a sterling silver Celtic cross necklace can add to your comfort and remind you of your Christian ideals.
The Celtic cross meaning shows how great the symbolism is when you understand the Celtic designs.
From St. Matthew we are comforted with this passage:
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4)

From the second book of Corinthians we are additionally comforted:
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort." (2 Corinthians 1:3)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sterling Silver Horse Jewelry

Sterling Silver Horse Jewelry

The type of sterling silver horse jewelry that we will look into is sterling silver horse necklaces. We have several examples of the sterling silver horse necklace. 
The silver horse jewelry is made from .925 true sterling silver. Most of the horse pendants are 3D but a few are one sided. But one thing they all have in common is they make awesome sterling silver horse necklaces.
I live near a pasture that rents out space to hold horses. hey recently got two Shetland ponies. They are fun to look at. It's like they could almost be a in the home pet. It's like you could take them for a walk like a dog.  I am going to click on sterling silver horse necklace to see if they have any Shetland ponies or other ponies.
There are many types of the silver horse necklace.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Glamorous Sterling Silver Celtic Necklaces

Glamorous Sterling Silver Celtic Necklaces

The highly reflective high shine sterling silver Celtic necklaces are glamorous, geometrically designed and energetic necklaces hat will enahnce everyhing you wear it with.  Celtic necklaces typical come as a Celtic knot necklace but there are Celtic necklaces that are symbols rather than knots. We will look into both types of Celtic necklaces.

The sterling silver Celtic necklace allows you to express yourself in ways that other jewelry wouldn't. You can understand this by looking at the full collection of the sterling silver Celtic necklace.

 The Celtic knot necklace is a Celtic necklace that always has a Celtic knot pendant on it. The sharp and sleek sterling silver Celtic knot necklace comes in countless options that you can take a look at by clicking on Celtic knot necklace.

Of all the Celtic necklaces the single most popular style of the Celtic knot necklace is the Celtic trinity necklace.  A trinity necklace is a Celtic necklace that comes with a three corner knot. Each corner represents a member of the Christian Holy Trinity, hence the name "trinity necklace".
The trinity necklace speaks to you and comes in many selections that allows you tobuy according to whatever mood you are in.  If you're looking for fashion and value then these Celtic necklaces are what you want.


Sterling Silver Cross Necklace

Sterling Silver Cross Necklace

The collection of sterling silver cross necklaces that we are looking at in this post has two criteria; there is both Christian jewelry for men and Christian jewelry for women in these silver cross necklaces. The sterling silver cross necklace is the single most popular sub-genre to silver Christian necklaces.

The sterling silver cross necklace is an emblem of Christianity. It is symbolic of the most important event to have ever happened on earth,  the life and atonement of the Savior.

Silver cross necklaces are iconic, fashionable and inspirational to the Christian necklace wearer. There are plenty of cross necklaces to choose from. There are cross necklaces or both the Christian men and women.

Sterling Silver Animal Jewelry

Sterling Silver Animal Jewelry

 Sterling silver animal jewelry is full of countless types of animal charms, animal necklaces, animal earrings and more. All kinds o animals are represented in sterling silver animal jewelry.

This post will mention just a few animal charms that make up a portion o the very wide range of animal jewelry.
The very first animal charm we will see is a sterling silver 3D Lady Bug charm. It can be worn on a necklace and it also goes well on a traditional charm bracelet. Look at the detail of this bright, high shine lady bug charm.
The sterling silver monkey charm is very popular. Often times an animal charm is popular based on how popular the animal is which is why the monkey charm is so popular.
The sterling silver seahorse charm like the monkey charm go nicely with charm bracelets but also make a good pendant for an animal necklace. The seahorse charm is like the animal charms already displayed in that it is also 3D and not one sided.

The sterling silver frog charm is also 3D and is very detailed in its design. The frog charm is an excellent part of the animal jewelry genre.

Positive Affirmations -- Word To Live By!

Positive Affirmations -- Words To Live By!

Word jewelry is a way to wear your positive affirmations where ever you go and with what ever you're doing. What is "positive affirmations"? A positive affirmation is a word, small phrase, quote, poem, lyrics or any collection of words that are positive and impactful. Word that speak to you and up lift you.
Originally word jewelry started out as affirmation jewelry which was designed to go along with positive affirmations.  Now word jewelry has evolved into its own genre o jewelry that goes beyond affirmation jewelry.
Let's look at a few positive spirited quotes that could be used as positive affirmations. The bolded words in the quotes are words that have word charms that can be purchased and worn on a word jewelry necklace.
"Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change." (Author Unknown )

These positive affirmations can range from new age to every day positive thoughts to religious affirmations to Christian affirmations like the following:
"The gift of grace or mercy is received as a believer repents, enters into the specified covenants, and receives the Holy Ghost. The action of acceptance on our part opens the door for the process of justification (remission, or pardoning, of sins) and sanctification (cleansing from sin) to work in us--something we may refer to as being born again." (D. Todd Christofferson)

Remember the words that are bolded can be found as word charms and worn on a necklace.



Celtic Cross Necklace For Men

Celtic Cross Necklace For Men

In the genre of sterling silver Celtic cross necklaces here are three categories. There is a category of Celtic cross necklaces that appeal to everyone, to both men and women.  Then there is a category of Celtic cross necklaces for women and another group of Celtic cross necklaces for men.
We will focus on the Celtic cross necklace for men group of Celtic cross necklaces. The Celtic cross necklace for men is made with Celtic cross pendants for men. These Celtic cross pendants for men are either designed for men or are over sized or are heavy Celtic cross pendants.
Notice in the pictures shown here of the Celtic cross necklace for men are Celtic cross pendants that are considered appealing to Christian men. Here is one such design:
The sterling silver Celtic cross pendant is the determining factor in what makes a Celtic cross necklace a Celtic cross necklace for men. A secondary factor in making a Celtic cross necklace a Celtic cross necklace for men is the type of sterling silver necklace chain.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Celtic Jewelry For Women

Celtic Jewelry For Women

Celtic jewelry for women comes in many styles and types like Celtic rings and Celtic earrings. The type of Celtic jewelry for women that we will look at are Celtic pendants.  As you'll see these Celtic pendants are clearly Celtic jewelry for women.
These sterling silver Celtic pendants are very attractive and very Celtic by design.  Look at his Celtic knot pendant that is a another Celtic heart pendant.
Besides these obvious Celtic heart pendant samples (there are more  in the collection) there are other Celtic knot pendants for women.

The next Celtic knot pendant that we are looking at is called a Celtic love knot necklace. There are two examples of this type of Celtic knot pendant.
The Celtic love knot pendant is where two knots are woven together to be one knot. Is like two hearts come together as one. The first Love knot pendant is two vertical knots connected together. The second example is two love knots crossing over each other.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cross Necklaces For Men

Cross Necklaces For Men

This is a very interesting look at cross necklaces for men.  We're going to look at "traditional" cross necklaces for men and "Celtic" cross necklaces for men. 
Sterling silver cross necklaces for men are like any other cross necklace except they are designed to appeal to the Christian man. However, I've seen good Christian women who like to wear "cross necklaces for men" and that doesn't matter.  These sterling silver cross necklaces are so great looking and inspirational that as long as you are wearing one then great.
After all, the cross necklace is the major symbol for Christianity. We are going to look at the Celtic cross necklace for men collection and learn a little about some of the symbolism of the Celtic cross necklace.
We all know the general symbolic meaning of the cross so we will focus on the symbols that appear on a Celtic cross necklace. In every case they add additional Christian symbolism. Take for instance the second picture, the Celtic cross necklace with a circle, clover and Celtic symbols, they all add rich Christian meaning. The circle represents the never ending nature of eternity, no beginning or end.  Each leaf of the clover represents a member of the God-head. The trinity knot at the end cap of each line is a three cornered knot. Each corner represents a member of the Holy Trinity.
What makes a Celtic knot necklace a mens Celtic cross necklace as opposed to a womens Celtic cross necklace?  Typical the design makes the difference as well as thick and heavy Celtic cross necklaces for men. They can also be over sized width wise or height wise such as in that third picture.
The sterling silver Celtic cross necklace for men is typically considered a Celtic cross necklace that a man would want to wear. The various Celtic symbols don't have anything to do with the gender issue.
All the Celtic cross necklaces for men in this article are all made from sterling silver, after all, why would you trust something so special as a Celtic cross necklace for men to any thing but sterling silver.