Friday, October 9, 2009

Dog Jewelry. Dog Necklace. Dog Friendship Jewelry

Dog Necklaces are a great way to remind yourself through the day of the fun your dog brings into your life. Dogs are great friends, loyal, kind and non judgemental. The dog totem talks of these traits and more. In fact for new agers and in other circles the Dog charm or dog necklace is a token of friendship jewelry between people.

If I greeted everyone happily
Instead of eyeing with distrust
If I didn’t pass judgment
But accepted all
If I listened intently
With understanding in my eyes
If I brought comfort
All the time, no matter what
If I loved unconditionally
Without reservation
If I lived life more simply
Instead of worrying so much
If I played tirelessly
And didn’t work so hard
If I made people smile
Just by my presence in the room
If I experienced true joy
At the little things in life
Then I’d be the perfect friend
Just like my dog.

— Joanne Hirase-Stacey
This dog charm has a heart on it with a readable inscription that says "I Love You".

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