Monday, May 12, 2008

Positive Affirmations For Women

If you are just starting with our Blog dedicated to Positive Daily Affirmations we would recomend that you read our Introduction article on Positive Daily Affirmations.

This blog or thread is dedicated to Positive Affirmations for Women.

We want to share some of our affirmations for women and have you share affirmations on this thread directly related to the uplift of self esteem for women or promote positive self worth for todays woman. What was once cosidered apporpiate for women and the way they behaved or thought of themselves is not for todays women. I referring to the "Leave it to Beaver" stero type etc.

This thread should focus on all the roles of todays woman:
The Mother
The Working Mother
The working woman
The young lady
The abused woman
The woman with low self esteem

Here are a few of our Positive Affirmations for Women:
Because I am a Woman I am strong!

I have unique attributes and abilities because I am a Woman.

I am strong.

I am wise.

I am precious in the eyes of God.

I can love and be loved.

I have power to choose my course in life.

I can accept my self for who I am.

We have many mor affirmation for women on our web site Affirmations for Women


SweetGirl said...

I have been a fan or user of affirmations to some degree for quite sometime. I don't necessarily do affirmations the way the "experts" say but they help nevertheless. Some of the one I use are as follows:
I Am Strong!

I am beautiful.

I can be helpful without being used.

I can love without being in love.

Anonymous said...

I am sexy and I am smart at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I am a woman hear me roar. I am woman hear me think.

Anonymous said...

I love myself unconditionally even when I make stupid mistakes, even when everyone seems to be against me...etc.

I love myself unconditionally...
I say this every time a negative thought bubbles up in my mind.

When I used to say, I'm such an idiot! I say instead, I love myself unconditionally even when I make a mistake...