Saturday, May 31, 2008

Love Affirmations and Positive Quotes


Affirmations are based on "thoughts precede our actions." Taking a quote from the Bible, "As a man thinketh, so is he." Proverbs 23:7. If something happens to make you happy it registers in your mind which can spread over your body in a positive way. However it all starts in your mind.

Many are unsure about love and spend their whole life searching for love. Often times these searchers are searching for something they are ready have or don't know what love is.

Hopefully with these Love affirmations and your help we can help those in need of love get it.
Love is my virtue.
I deserve love.
I am loveable.
God loves me.
I can give love away freely.
  • I love you.
  • I can find love in daily living.
  • I can find love in the little things.
  • I am worthy of love.
    I can give love through service.
    I can be the person I want to love.

    In order to make positive affirmations work we need to understand what it is we want. In this post we want love in our lives. In this case we need to define love. Do we want to feel loved? De we seek romantic love? Are we unable to give love? We need to do our homework and define the nature of love we seek. When we know exactly what we want then when we work our positive affirmations then we can do so with confidence and we'll know when we have achieved it.
We need to think or dream of what it is we want. We need to believe that we can get it, then we need to achieve it. Following this type of approach we will be far more successful than we would otherwise.

This concept applies to all virtues of affirmations we seek.

Remember that what is presented here is only a small sample of love affirmations. Don't tie yourself down to these affirmations. Ponder and dream of what you want and maybe what is written in this post will help stir up some affirmation ideas.

There is a saying: Live Well, Laugh often, Love much. Sometimes love is in the way we live our life. If we're positive thinkers then we'll be able to love and be loveable.

What has worked for you on your journey for love?
What love affirmations have worked for you?

We have a web page in our collection of affirmations that seal with the Love Affirmation
You might want to check out our main affirmations page.

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