Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Celtic Cross Necklace

Sterling Silver Celtic Cross Necklace

Sterling silver Celtic cross necklaces a power house genre of both Celtic jewelry and Christian jewelry. They are the most popular crossover jewelry in the sterling silver specialty jewelry category.

These sterling silver Celtic cross necklaces are made from Celtic crosses and Irish crosses on sterling silver necklace chains.

What is the difference between Irish crosses and Celtic crosses? Some would say there is no difference others would say Irish crosses are Celtic crosses with Irish symbols on it. As I have studied Celtic jewelry and cross jewelry I have come to the conclusion that Ireland, England and the rest of Europe would says they are all the same and would call them Irish crosses.

In America we call them both Celtic crosses and Irish crosses. Sometimes we might call them an Irish Celtic cross but either way Americans specify some difference between the two.

This Irish Celtic cross-over jewelry, a cross over from Christian jewelry and Celtic jewelry are inspirational jewelry for both the fan of Celtic jewelry and for the christian wanting to wear cross jewelry.

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