Friday, January 7, 2011

Sterling Silver Irish Jewelry

Sterling Silver Irish Jewelry

Sterling silver Irish jewelry is a very popular cultural style of jewelry. Irish jewelry celebrates the culture and history of Ireland and the Irish traditions. Irish jewelry even includes Celtic jewelry as well.

The most popular style of Irish jewelry is a toss up between Claddagh jewelry, Clover necklace jewelry and Irish cross necklaces.

The Clover necklace jewelry consists of the three and four leaf clover. it comes in earrings, charms, pendants, rings, necklaces and toe rings.

Claddagh jewelry spans the same range of types of jewelry as the Clover necklace jewelry. The Claddagh is a Irish symbol that is made up of a pair of hands holding a heart. The heart is wearing a crown. The meaning of this symbol is three fold. The pair of hands equates to friendship, the heart is love and the crown denotes loyality and fidelity.

The Irish cross necklace or Irish crosses make up a very popular Religious jewelry genre. In fact many would call Irish crosses a cross over type of jewelry. The Celtic crosses or Irish crosses are the same thing. The term Celtic crosses is a little dated around the world. In fact it is primarily in America where the terms Irish Jewelry and Celtic jewelry, Irish crosses or Celtic crosses are used seperately. In Ireland and the rest of the world it's all referred to as Irish jewelry or Irish crosses.

The Irish cross jewelry genre are Religious crosses that have Irish and ancient Celtic elements added to the cross. This give the already symbolic cross even more inspirational symbolism.

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