Friday, November 19, 2010

Turtle Jewelry

Sterling Silver Turtle Jewelry

The turtle has held a place in mans heart for a long time. Turtles have been pets and cartoons characters and the subject of childrens books. Turtle jewelry made from sterling silver is a very engaging and attractive. Sterling silver turtle necklaces and sterling silver charms and pendants.

The turtle has symbolism such as the sure and steady message this creature brings to our lives.  It is also represents a powerful totem for protection by its withdrawing into it's shell is an amazing self-defense mechanism. The turtle has few predators, which gives it an innocent energy. This also increases its lifespan, and so holds the symbolic meaning for longevity in many cultures. The Turtle necklace charm is a great representation of the turtle symbolism.

Sterling silver Turtle jewelry is a great fashion statement as well as a nice symbolic statement.

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