Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Man In The Maze Jewelry


The Man in the Maze jewelry celebrates a unique symbol used by a few Indian tribes of the North American Indian culture. This symbol is known to have existed in American Indian hyroglyphics and basket weaving.

We have a nice collection of Man in the Maze Jewelry like Man in the Maze charms and pendants.  These man in the Maze symbol is also known to have been identified as far away as Greece. It is known though mostly as a American Indian Jewelry symbol.

Here is a little more detail on the great symbol of the Man in the Maze:

There is a ancient Indian legend that says when a person is born into this world, they enter a maze of life. The beginning is at the top where Elder Brother is waiting to show the way.

The legend tells of the dead ends, detours and obstacles. The struggle to understand what can affect the physical, emotional, and spiritual growth that guides them through the maze.

If the path through the maze is traveled in harmony and balance with nature, the legend says that dreams will be found at the center of the maze, where Sun God waits. He then passes them on to the next world.

Mnay love the Man in the Maze Necklace for symbolism that is borrowed from the culture of the Native American Indians. Here's how some people look at the man in the Maze.

The symbo of the Man in the Maze is understanding the meaning of life. The maze depicts the choices we make in our journey through life. The maze illustrates the search for balance of the four aspect of the mind and body: physical, social, mental and spiritual. Successful completion of the maze help with safe passage to the other side.

Whether its a Man in the Maze charm or man in the maze pendant, as far as the jewelry is concerned it is usually worn as a man in the maze necklace. We also have a pair of maze earrings.

In jewelry, the maze can be different depending on the silversmiths artistic view.

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