Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sterling Silver Celtic Crosses

Sterling Silver Celtic Crosses

Celtic crosses are the foundation of Celtic cross necklaces. From the Celtic crosses you open a whole new world for cross jewelry. also you will see how the Irish Crosses are similar and how Irish crosses are different from Celtic crosses.

The Celtic cross necklace is a prime example of a cross necklace with a strong Celtic and Irish influence on the cross necklace adding many different types of symbols to an already symbolic Christian symbol, the cross.

Celtic cross necklaces and the Irish cross necklace are essentially the same. However, there are some Irish cross necklaces that have more Irish symbolism than Celtic symbols. The other way around also applies.

You can also find out the full meaning of a Celtic cross. You'll also see how Irish celtic cross overlaps the Celtic cross andhow they also stand on their own.

Look at this very original looking Celtic cross of protection necklace.

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