All sports competition seems now days seems to wrapped around the "do or die" for the win mentality. The parents, the athletes and Coaches, all seem to be willing do whatever it takes to win. Winning is the only thing that matters. There attitude is often "anything less than a win is a sign of weakness and for loosers".
What happened to good sportsmanship? Whatever happened to character building? What happened to team loyalty? Now days it seems that all that is recognized is the most valuable player, the Coach who wins the most, the player with the best stats. Now days the attitude is "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing".
This blog will provide links to sterling silver sports pendants, necklaces and jewelry to help promote the great and worth while attributes of sports.
With all the street gangs and violence out there due to lack of a family experience, sometimes these kids only have a sports team experience outside their life of crime.
There is only one MVP per team. There is only one champion team or champion athlete in singles competition.
What happened to recognizing those who never miss a practice or a game? What happened to recognizing team spirit? What happened to character building? What happened to coaches taking an active role in the lives of their athletes?
Sports and competition is a great opportunity to teach athletic minded kids great life lessons.
There is less than 1% chance that any young athlete will become profesional or World class athletes. So why place so much emphasis on pipe dreams when the opportunity to teach and coach these young athletes is likely to produce far greater results than trying to develope one or two athletes to get ahead only to stop short of their professional aspirations.
Now I am off my soap box and would like you to know that is not just a web site for sterling silver animal lewelry. It has a vast collection of Sterling Silver Sports Jewelry.
Sports Necklaces of many types, representing numerous sports are available to celebrate the sports you love. We provide jewelry for roughly 20 types of sports from Cross Country to Football. Soccer to Swimming. Track and Field to Basketball jewelry charms and many, many more sports activities.
Sports Necklace Charms can help promote the aspects of sports that are good and prasieworthy.
Sports Pendants allows you to make different types of sports jewelry to suite your unique style and interests.
As an example of the various types of jewelry we carry is Basketball Coach Jewelry. Further we have much more than that. We hav sports jewelry for the athlete, sports Mom and Coach. For more sterling silver jewelry that deals with sports.
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