Friday, July 31, 2009

Egyptian Jewelry

The ancient Egyptians worn jewelry much like we do using many of the same Egyptian symbols that we use as far back as 3100 B.C.

Egyptian Jewelry looks best with precious metals and is more affordable with sterling silver. Sterling silver is the most reflective precious metal making it a great choice for Egyptian Jewelry. Look at these photos of actual sterling silver Egyptian Jewelry charms and necklaces. There is a richness in these pieces of ancient Egyptian jewelry.

Egyptian Pharaohs Head Necklace Jewelry

Sea Life, Ocean Life Jewelry

Sea Horse Totem:
Protecting the young and those weaker than themselves. Seahorses can also be a bridge between the Spirit Water World and the Living World.

Whale Jewelry

Whale Totem:
Whales are the world's largest mammals, and the Blue Whale is the largest creature on Earth! These warm-blooded creatures have blubber to insulate and store food they need. Whale bones are soft and porous, enabling them to store food in the form of oil, unlike land mammals whose bones are hard. The softness of their bones enables them to grow to an enormous size and still float in the water. Underwater, whales don't have good eye sight, but they have excellent hearing and use a technique called "echo location" to communicate with other whales. By using their powerful tail flukes to steer and propel them, they are able to utilize their fins to twist and turn about in the water.

Having been born with a protective coat of blubber, whales know how important insulation can be. They understand the sacred power of water and realize the importance of taking time out to breathe. Their sensitivity to sound and movement connects them to the core energy of primal life.

Whale reintroduces us to our creative and intuitive energies to show us a talent we've forgotten about or haven't been aware existed. People with this totem are able to understand the ancient language of "energy vibrations," and are able to distinguish where others are truly coming from. Whale asks us to recall our past and listen to its stories so we can creatively heal old wounds.

Penguin Jewelry

Penguin Totem:
Sacrifice. Self-discipline. Self-maintenance. Aesthetic Appearance. Water Mastery. Air Mastery. Uncommon Grace. Dreams. Slipping Between Worlds. Determination.

The penguin - mostly found in the southern hemisphere - is one of the most highly specialized birds/animals alive today, they have completely sacrificed the ability to fly, developed flippers and their feathers have evolved into flattened feather shafts. They are a streamlined bird with a thick layer of blubber. They are generally coastal, nesting on the ground in flat surfaces, burrows or crevices,

Penguins are awkward on land and brilliant swimmers underwater. They are adapted to deep-diving (their heartbeat slows to 1/5 of its normal rate), and can stay underwater for long periods of time. The penguin's dense plumage is waterproofed with an oil gland at the base of the tail. Penguins - regardless of species - leave the sea to molt their feathers. During this time, they abstain entirely from food. Some penguins will also completely fast when feeding their chicks, compromising their own health to ensure the health of their progeny.

Manatee Jewelry Charms
Manatee Totem:
The gentle, serene, slow moving Manatee is so trusting, and calm, they let humans approach and pet them. Manatee totem for gentleness, serenity and trust.

Gentleness with Fearlessness.

“Slow Motion Gets You There Faster” Setting and Achieving Inner Goals. Non-Violence

Calmness Play Friendship.

Dragonfly Necklace Jewelry

Dragonfly Jewelry

Fascinating Facts of the Dragonfly
Dragonfly eggs are laid within their territory near the water. Once hatched, these nymphs will live nearly two years on the bottom of streams and ponds.

As they reach adulthood an amazing thing occurs, they transform into dragonflies and ascend to the air. In the air, they travel with wings that sparkle with spectacular colors by reflecting and refracting light and other colors.

No insect or bird can maneuver as well as a dragonfly. Flying up to 30 mph, they will twist, turn, move up and down, fly backwards, even change directions instantaneously and still will spot movement 40 feet away.

Dragonfly Totem
The power of Dragonfly lies in its ability to see around things by looking from different angles.

Using its ability to transform colors and lights by reflecting and refracting them the Dragonfly shows us that life, like light, can bend, shift, and adapt in various ways, making life's appearance never be what it appears to be.

Dragonfly's abilities show us to see through life's illusions and find our true vision. It calls us to transform within our lives and reminds us to feel deeply so we will have the compassion necessary to help ourselves and others.

Celtic Cross Pendants

Celtic Cross Pendants are a positive affirmational type of jewelry that inspires the wearer and serves as a constant visual reminder.

Celtic Crosses
blend Celtic Artistry with the traditional Christian crosses to create a non denominational Celtic cross pendant.


The blog is primarily dedicated to Positive Affirmations and Quotes. It also covers anything that will promote positive thinking or reaffirm positive qualities within your mind. Positive Affirmations are a great way to do that and so is jewelry. Especially a type of jewelry such as Religious jewelry.

This Religious Jewelry web site is a fantastic site. It is dedicated to Religious jewelry like Cross Jewelry and Cross Necklaces. It also has a large Celtic Jewelry which has many types of Celtic jewelry like Celtic Earrings, Celtic Knot necklaces, Celtic Cross necklaces, Celtic Cross pendants etc.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sterling Silver Cross Necklaces. Grand Cross Necklace

These Grand Cross Necklaces consist of a sterling silver cross necklace and your choice of over 150 affirmation jewelry charms. This give more meaning to the Cross necklace according to what you want to add to the symbolism of the cross necklace.

For many buyers they gravitate to a sterling silver affirmation jewelry charm that is religious in nature like Miracles, Faith, Hope, Love, WWJD?, Change with God, Love The Lord, Truth etc.

We have noticed many buyers choose affirmation jewelry charms that are not religious in nature like Dad, Basketball, Dream etc.

The sky is the limit. You can customize your cross necklace into a Grand Cross necklace. There are over 15,000 possibilities between the number of cross pendants and the necklaces sizes and over 150 affirmation jewelry charms.

Sterling Silver Grand Cross Necklaces

This Footprint in the Sand style cross pendant necklace is a nice necklace and you add one of over 150 affirmation jewelry charms.

Take the typical Cross Necklace to a whole new level with sterling silver grand Cross Necklaces.

Sea Life, Ocean Life and Sea Horse Jewelry

Sea Horse Jewelry Charms and Earrings

Manatee Jewelry Charms

Whale Jewelry Pendants and Earrings

Sail Fish Jewelry Charm

Sea Life or Ocean Life Jewelry Charms, Necklaces and Earrings

Sea Life Totems

Sea Horse Totem
Protecting the young and those weaker than themselves. Seahorses can also be a bridge between the Spirit Water World and the Living World.

Protecting the young and those weaker than themselves. Seahorses can also be a bridge between the Spirit Water World and the Living World.
Penguin Totem
Sacrifice. Self-discipline. Self-maintenance. Aesthetic Appearance. Water Mastery. Air Mastery. Uncommon Grace. Dreams. Slipping Between Worlds. Determination. The penguin - mostly found in the southern hemisphere - is one of the most highly specialized birds/animals alive today, they have completely sacrificed the ability to fly, developed flippers and their feathers have evolved into flattened feather shafts. They are a streamlined bird with a thick layer of blubber. They are generally coastal, nesting on the ground in flat surfaces, burrows or crevices,

Penguins are awkward on land and brilliant swimmers underwater. They are adapted to deep-diving (their heartbeat slows to 1/5 of its normal rate), and can stay underwater for long periods of time. The penguin's dense plumage is waterproofed with an oil gland at the base of the tail. Penguins - regardless of species - leave the sea to molt their feathers. During this time, they abstain entirely from food. Some penguins will also completely fast when feeding their chicks, compromising their own health to ensure the health of their progeny.

Manatee Totem
The gentle, serene, slow moving Manatee is so trusting, and calm, they let humans approach and pet them. Manatee totem for gentleness, serenity and trust.
Gentleness with Fearlessness. “Slow Motion Gets You There Faster” Setting and Achieving Inner Goals. Non-Violence Calmness Play Friendship.

Whale Totem
Whales are the world's largest mammals, and the Blue Whale is the largest creature on Earth! These warm-blooded creatures have blubber to insulate and store food they need. Whale bones are soft and porous, enabling them to store food in the form of oil, unlike land mammals whose bones are hard. The softness of their bones enables them to grow to an enormous size and still float in the water. Underwater, whales don't have good eye sight, but they have excellent hearing and use a technique called "echo location" to communicate with other whales. By using their powerful tail flukes to steer and propel them, they are able to utilize their fins to twist and turn about in the water.

Having been born with a protective coat of blubber, whales know how important insulation can be. They understand the sacred power of water and realize the importance of taking time out to breathe. Their sensitivity to sound and movement connects them to the core energy of primal life.
Whale reintroduces us to our creative and intuitive energies to show us a talent we've forgotten about or haven't been aware existed. People with this totem are able to understand the ancient language of "energy vibrations," and are able to distinguish where others are truly coming from. Whale asks us to recall our past and listen to its stories so we can creatively heal old wounds.

Turtle Necklace Jewelry. Sea Turtle Totems

Turtle Jewelry Necklace Charms

Sterling Silver Turtle Necklace

Sterling silver Turtle Necklaces are a great way to act as a constant visual reminder of the Sea Turtle Totems and the regular Turtle Totems.

Sea Turtle Totem

Because the turtle is a creature of both land and sea it has so many meanings and so much symbolism that there isn't room to get into them all. Among the Totems for a turtle:

Growth and Freedom.

Turtle Totem
Represents a long life, quiet strength. The Chinese look to it as carrying the world on it's back. Other Turtle totems: Fertility, vitality, and patience.

You can select from our Affirmation Jewelry Charms like the Love turtle necklaces different word charms that represent to the totem qualities list above.

Tibetan Buddhist Jewelry Visual Reminder of Buddha Wisdom

Celebrate The Wisdom of Buddha With Buddhist Jewelry
The Young Tibetan Buddha Charm above and the Fat Tibetan Buddha Jewelry Pendant below serve as a constant visual reminder of the wisdom of Buddha

Inspiring Buddha Quotes:

We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them. (Buddha)

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. (Buddha)

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain? (Buddha)

An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea. (Buddha)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sea Shell Jewelry. Sand Dollar Necklace

Seashell Totem:
Seashells are used as signs of spiritual gifts or it can represent looking at the good and bad situations in one's life for evaluation.

Sand Dollar Totem
A sand dollar asks us to digest information or lessons thoroughly and slowly.

Celebrate Sea shells and Sand dollars with jewelry. Both Affirmation jewelry that allows you to celebrate the power words in the totems. Then there is Sand Dollar Jewelry and Sea Shell Necklaces that also let you celebrate these delightful parts of sea life.

Dragonfly Necklace Jewelry

Dragonfly Necklace Jewelry Charms

Fascinating Facts of the Dragonfly:
Dragonfly eggs are laid within their territory near the water. Once hatched, these nymphs will live nearly two years on the bottom of streams and ponds.

As they reach adulthood an amazing thing occurs, they transform into dragonflies and ascend to the air. In the air, they travel with wings that sparkle with spectacular colors by reflecting and refracting light and other colors.

No insect or bird can maneuver as well as a dragonfly. Flying up to 30 mph, they will twist, turn, move up and down, fly backwards, even change directions instantaneously and still will spot movement 40 feet away.

Dragonfly Totem
The power of Dragonfly lies in its ability to see around things by looking from different angles.

Using its ability to transform colors and lights by reflecting and refracting them the Dragonfly shows us that life, like light, can bend, shift, and adapt in various ways, making life's appearance never be what it appears to be.

Dragonfly's abilities show us to see through life's illusions and find our true vision. It calls us to transform within our lives and reminds us to feel deeply so we will have the compassion necessary to help ourselves and others.

Butterfly Necklaces and Butterfly Totems

Butterfly Necklaces
Butterfly Earrings, Charms and the Butterfly Pendant.

Butterfly Jewelry or Necklaces is a great way to celebrate the unique qualities of the Butterfly.

Butterfly Totem:
The butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color.

It is the symbol of the soul.
They remind us that life is a dance, not to take things quite so seriously.
They also remind us to get up and move.

Butterflies bring color and joy to your life.
Look at them and remember what joy is in your life,
if its a lot or a little, it is still joy.

They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic;
it can occur gently, sweetly, joyfully.

If a butterfly totem has shown up in your life,
make note of the most important issues in your life,
and see what needs to be changed.

Friday, July 24, 2009

MOTIVATION Affirmation Jewelry Necklace

Use sterling silver affirmation jewelry charms to help you remember positive affirmations and quotes. Wear them as an affirmation necklaces as a constant visual reminder.

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.(Raymond Chandler) Motivation Affirmation Jewelry Necklace

To achieve great things you have first to believe it. (Arsene Wenger) Achieve, Belives Affirmation Jewelry charms

Character is the sum total of all our everyday choices. (Margaret Jensen) Choice Affirmation Necklace

Real character is developed within a person as the weight bears down upon his shoulders while living under the demands of atributes one chooses to work on such as truth, faith, courage, intergrity while reaching for their destiny. (Callahan) Truth, Courage, Intergrity, Destiny Affirmation Jewelry Charms.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cross Jewelry: Cross Rings and Cross Earrings

Sterling Silver Cross Jewelry is considered another name for Cross Necklaces but Cross Jewelry has much more to it than the cross necklace.Cross Jewelry also includes sterling silver cross rings.

Cross jewelry also include Sterling Silver Cross Earrings

Cross jewelry in short is a category of jewelry that has a cross theme.