Most people wear Celtic jewelry like the very popular
Celtic Cross Necklace,
Celtic Rings,
Celtic Earrings and
Celtic Trinity Knot Necklace just because it looks so good. However there is some symbolism behind the varios celtic symbols used in Celtic jewelry.
When it comes right down to it very few people understand the symbolism of Celtic charms and pendants.
Many are familiar with Irish jewelry like the
Irish Claddagh Rings, the
Irish Claddagh Necklace and
Irish Claddagh Jewelry Charms. Also some know about Irish High Cross pendants which are essentially the same as the
Celtic Cross Pendant. But before the Irish jewelry which has easy to understand symbolism came celtic symbols.
Celtic and Irish Jewelry.
The Celtic jewelry symbols are a direct reflection on Celtic symbols that were used by the Celts for hundreds of years. The Celtic people covered much of western Europe. But the greatest population of Celts were in the region know today as the United Kingdom. The Celtic civilization last for many hundreds of years if not close to 1000 years. While much is know in general about he Celts, little is know about their symbolism because they lacked a written language to explain the meanings of the symbols and how they were intended to be used.
The way the Celts used the symbols changed over time because all the people had to go on was tradition passed from one generation to another and over time. They used some symbols in one time period very differently than in other time periods.
Because the wearing of
Celtic jewellery is so widely popular and very fashionable, designers and manufacturers create various Celtic jewelry charms, pendants and rings and give them a name that is is accepted at accurate. Why not? That practice is not without precedence. When the Celts were forced into accepting Christianity the Tri-knots (known by many names) were given the name and symbolism of the Trinity Knot. That symbol is used today as it was in early Christendom to represent the Holy Trinity. The tri-knot is designed many different ways but always has one thing in common, three distinct points. Each point represents a member of the Godhead.
Celtic Trinity Knot PendantCeltic Cross Jewelry came about because of a compromise between the Christians and the Celts. The commonality between the Celtic knot design is symmetrical with geometric lines. The Celts adopted the sign of the Cross but added a circle at the axis. The Christians decided to allow it and it came to be know as the Cross of life similar to the ankh cross of life.
Many scholars have agreed that the interwoven connectedness of most Celtic knots represent eternity interwoven with life, with no beginning or end. In this sense many Celtic symbols could be called eternity symbols. But some would say this plays well into the so-called love symbols.
Celtic Trinity Heart Love Knot Necklace.
Celtic Knot Pendant and charms are often used to make charm bracelets with
Sterling Silver Double Link Diamond Cut Chain Starter Rolo, Figure 8, Curb Bracelet.
Whatever you think about Celtic jewelry from the stand point of symbolism doesn't really matter if it jives with what the scholars think because in the end nobody has much absolute knowledge about Celtic symbols. Wear the Celtic jewelry in good health and enjoy.