Friday, April 19, 2013

Positive Affirmations -- Word To Live By!

Positive Affirmations -- Words To Live By!

Word jewelry is a way to wear your positive affirmations where ever you go and with what ever you're doing. What is "positive affirmations"? A positive affirmation is a word, small phrase, quote, poem, lyrics or any collection of words that are positive and impactful. Word that speak to you and up lift you.
Originally word jewelry started out as affirmation jewelry which was designed to go along with positive affirmations.  Now word jewelry has evolved into its own genre o jewelry that goes beyond affirmation jewelry.
Let's look at a few positive spirited quotes that could be used as positive affirmations. The bolded words in the quotes are words that have word charms that can be purchased and worn on a word jewelry necklace.
"Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change." (Author Unknown )

These positive affirmations can range from new age to every day positive thoughts to religious affirmations to Christian affirmations like the following:
"The gift of grace or mercy is received as a believer repents, enters into the specified covenants, and receives the Holy Ghost. The action of acceptance on our part opens the door for the process of justification (remission, or pardoning, of sins) and sanctification (cleansing from sin) to work in us--something we may refer to as being born again." (D. Todd Christofferson)

Remember the words that are bolded can be found as word charms and worn on a necklace.



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